“The sense of happiness and fulfilment we seek in external things can only be found inside.”
Mikao Usui

Reiki symbol
Reiki is a complementary therapy. It is a faith in healing – a form of spiritual healing.
“Our method is completely original. There is nothing like this in the whole world.”
Reiki is neutral, it is about moving into a state of balance on all levels.
“Our method is original, based on the spiritual power of the universe.”
When you are looking for a change in your life, Reiki is for you, because it is all about change – change for better, finding out what is right for you, finding the right path in your life.
“Everyone has the potential to receive the spiritual gift uniting body and soul in a divine blessing.”
Reiki is not attached to any religion or belief system.
Reiki opens you up to divine.
Reiki reinforces your individual connection to your deity.
“Everything living, breathing, being possesses the spiritual ability to heal. Our method is a practical manifestation of this power.”
Reiki is as unique as each of us and speaks to us on individual level. Reiki is a method for receiving and sharing healing with others.
Reiki has become many things to many people. For some it is a therapeutic art, for others it is purely a method for spiritual growth, and others may see it as a physical healing modality and spiritual discipline.
Reiki has natural power to affect our minds in positive and healing ways.
Reiki is a method of freeing the body and soul. It does not only heal physical problems – it also heals bad habits and psychological qualities such as despair, weakness (of character), timidity, indecisiveness and nervousness.
Reiki is about transformation – negative energies/energy patterns are transformed into positive ones and positive energies/energy patterns are reinforced.
“Reiki is a spiritual phenomenon – just get out of the way and simply let the Reiki happen.”
Hawayo Takata